Webcasting Master Control Room

In our San Francisco webcast facility, we have the ability to create
television-grade broadcasts from our master control room.
Express Media Master Control Room
Express Media Insert Stage
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Express Media Webcast Capabilities

We bring a broadcast television production ethic to everything we do, and that attention to quality and detail results in a more engaging and informative presentation for your audience.

Recent projects have included:

• Large virtual sales kickoff meetings
• New product launches
• Live CEO and Executive Team All Hands Meetings
• COVID-19 updates and important community announcements
• Educational lectures and technical meetings
• Live political discourse and news events

The need for high quality virtual meetings and events is becoming more prevalent as the world’s workforce adapts to a new normal of SIP and WFH activity. Making web streaming more interesting and memorable can be a challenge for some of the current social media platforms widely used today.

In our San Francisco webcast facility, we have the ability to create television-grade broadcasts from our control room, with up to six simultaneous remote webcam sources, combined with a separate insert stage/studio area, presentation graphics, video playback, closed-captioning, and editing facilities.